Recent deal: A kitchen renovation company & a covid loan is celebrating another successful deal. It was for a kitchen renovation company that specialises in respray and restoration of kitchens, baths, worktops and more. During the pandemic restrictions they took a considerable hit to their business. Now they were busy. Like many in construction related industries they were enjoying a renewed uplift in bookings. The business wanted to update the fleet of vehicles, machines and have some working capital left over. A requirement of €100,000 was identified. When they spoke with us, they had already engaged with their bank. They found the requests for reams of documents too much to deal with; especially business plans and detailed financial modelling when their accountant was so busy with pandemic issues and filing deadlines. They were looking at alternative finance options that were faster. identifed a loan quote under the Covid-19 Credit Guarantee Scheme with a non-bank lender. Our client was happy to only have to provide minimal documentation such as recent accounts, bank statements and a tax clearance certificate. They were approved & funded in days at a low rate and didn’t have to worry about a personal guarantee or early repayment penalty. Does your business want a fast finance quote? Get in touch today. Email or call 01 55 636 55.