Recent deal: A roller blade business gets a €50,000 working capital loan is celebrating another successful deal. Our client needed working capital. During the pandemic their main supplier was busy with HSE contracts and changed their payment terms. They had also found some new lucrative contracts but needed to supply favourable credit terms to their client. All-in-all this resulted in a strain on cash flow. They had made more plans to expand the business. A €50,000 requirement was identified. When they spoke with us they had tried their bank but the documents requests were too much to attend to and the business owner was time-poor.

With our client provided a quote at a low rate quickly and they had the funds in their account in days. Does your business need a fast finance quote? Email us at or call 01 55 636 55.

Recent deal: Construction company gets capital for machines & projects is celebrating another happy client. An Irish construction firm secured over €110,000 to assist with machinery & working capital for a new housing project. Their business performed well in 2021 but a payment they were expecting was delayed. This impacted their cash flow and planning for their next big job. The owner had identified a used machine at a bargain price. While it was in great condition, it was too old for many asset finance lenders to quote. Our unsecured lender was unconcerned with the age of the asset. The business’s accounts & bank statement performance were strong enough to make the lending decision without taking a charge on the machine. The business owner was able to draw down their funds in days and got a machine that will be of great benefit to their ground works for their new project. On top of this they have some additional working capital left over to assist until the first stage payment comes in, easing cash flow pressure.

Does your business need a loan? Email us at or call 01 55 636 55 for fast finance quotes.

Recent deal: A kitchen renovation company & a covid loan is celebrating another successful deal. It was for a kitchen renovation company that specialises in respray and restoration of kitchens, baths, worktops and more. During the pandemic restrictions they took a considerable hit to their business. Now they were busy. Like many in construction related industries they were enjoying a renewed uplift in bookings. The business wanted to update the fleet of vehicles, machines and have some working capital left over. A requirement of €100,000 was identified. When they spoke with us, they had already engaged with their bank. They found the requests for reams of documents too much to deal with; especially business plans and detailed financial modelling when their accountant was so busy with pandemic issues and filing deadlines. They were looking at alternative finance options that were faster. identifed a loan quote under the Covid-19 Credit Guarantee Scheme with a non-bank lender. Our client was happy to only have to provide minimal documentation such as recent accounts, bank statements and a tax clearance certificate. They were approved & funded in days at a low rate and didn’t have to worry about a personal guarantee or early repayment penalty. Does your business want a fast finance quote? Get in touch today. Email or call 01 55 636 55.

Recent deal: A plant hire company buys older machinery with unsecured Covid loan is celebrating another successful deal. Our client was a plant hire company who was used to getting machines with asset finance. They found it easier for approval because hire purchase enables the asset finance company to take away the machine if they fail to pay. However, asset finance companies are generally only interested in financing assets that are not too old. Our client wanted an older machine that was still in great condition and asked us for help.

Their business had been affected by the pandemic. Turnover was down after the series of lockdowns affecting the construction industry. We organised an unsecured loan quote, at a great rate and without a personal guarantee under the Covid-19 Credit Guarantee Scheme. They got their €80,000 for their machine in days and they were happy. Does your business need a loan? For fast finance quotes, email us at or call 01 55 636 55.

Business Loans for Reopening Retail Businesses in Ireland

There are a number of loan options on the market for businesses that are reopening after lockdowns. You can potentially get loan quotes from pillar banks or alternative business lenders under the Credit Guarantee Scheme for working capital, stock or other needs. But what if your business accounts and bank statements are now imperfect after all these lockdowns and you don’t qualify? The good news is there are business finance options if you’re currently transacting on your card machine.


  • Fast decision based on your volume of sales by card

  • Easy application process

  • Flexible repayments that work with your cash flow


  • Your business is transacting from €4000 a month by card

  • You have at least 6 months merchant statement history

  • Your business passes the credit check

If you’re in retail or any shop, hairdresser, barber, hardware store or takeaway restaurant talk to us about organising a finance quote today. Even if the bank has said no and you don’t feel confident, we can often assist. So long as you’re currently trading, the partner credit team are understanding & can even top up your facility as your cash flow improves. We’re here for you 7 days on 01 55 636 55 or email us on