Business loan options for post-pandemic imperfect accounts

When business owners get in touch with us, it’s often because their accounts and bank statement history are imperfect. A typical bank loan simply doesn’t look like an option. While there are some Covid-19 loans, many of them are focused on businesses that only suffered a dip in net profit or turnover, yet remained profitable. The reality facing many businesses is that their latest accounts are showing pandemic related losses. If that sounds like you, here are some options worth considering.

Invoice finance

Invoice finance can work for businesses that have Covid losses. If businesses are owed money by quality business debtors & the finance company is satisfied they can get credit insurance on them, then this could be an option to release 80% or more of the value of what a business is owed now. Then they get a final settlement when the debtor pays, less the lender’s fees.

Royalty finance

If you have a steady stream of growing sales but your accounts are imperfect a royalty finance company may advance working capital in exchange for a guaranteed percentage of future sales until an agreed amount is paid back.

Merchant cash advance

Merchant cash advance is similar to royalty finance but the agreed percentage of sales is deducted daily from the merchant account such as business card machine totals, Stripe or PayPal.

Sale & leaseback

Sale & leaseback can work for businesses that have assets but can’t get approved for unsecured finance or they can achieve the amount they need. Many businesses prefer to buy machines and vehicles. in some cases they may use up too much of their rainy day fund and now find they have their working capital locked up in their assets. This option lets them access working capital while continuing to benefit from the use of the assets.

Bridging loans

Bridging loans are focused on property assets that a business or business owner has. If there is equity in business offices, units, investment properties and more then there can be an opportunity to get some short-term finance. Amounts from 150,000 are possible but due to set legal fees, the bigger the loans the more they make financial sense.

We’re here for you 7 days to organise fast finance quotes. It’s always a good idea to review quotes with your accountant and assess if they will be the right solution. We also have professionals in our network such as virtual CFOs who can offer your business a health check. Email us at or call 01 55 636 55.

Low Rate Unsecured Business Loans with the Covid-19 Credit Guarantee Scheme

Did you know that Irish businesses affected by the pandemic can get low-rate loans with no personal guarantees for peace of mind? The government & the SBCI have allocated €2 billion to banks & alternative lenders to help businesses with working capital, business expansion and for buying new items they need to perform at this time. Get loans from 6 months to 60 months at rates from 4.75%


  • Fast approval

  • Low rates

  • No early repayment penalty

  • No personal guarantees

  • Wide variety of loan purposes


  • Your business is down 15% on turnover or profit

  • Your business is generally profitable

  • Your business passes the credit check

Talk to the business loans team today about getting your simple unsecured loan quote. Generally our partner credit teams will review simple documents such as accounts & bank statements. They grade them for risk from A grade down to D grade and apply a rate from 4.75%. It costs nothing to find out if you qualify & at what rate. Call us now on 01 55 636 55 or email us at We’re here to help, 7 days. Helps ITL Logistics Grow from 2 Vans to 15 Vans in 1 Year

Irish business owner Todor Stanev has recently concluded another asset finance deal with help from Stanev remarked "a year ago our business had 2 vans. helped us finance 13 more vans. Thanks to their assistance our turnover has multiplied many times." MD Rupert Hogan commented on the latest deal "ITL Logistics is a prime example of how a well-run business with a hard-working team can be supported with finance. With every van they acquire their business grows. They really are a logistics company on the move!". has assisted ITL Logistics with hire purchase & leasing options from the best alternative business finance companies operating in Ireland and at the best rates. If your business needs finance to grow call the business loans team now on 01 55 636 55.

ITL Logistics