Six tips for getting business loans from banks in 2022

Speaking with your bank about business loans can be tough as we continue with pandemic issues in 2022. It’s best to get all your ducks in a row beforehand. In the words Abraham Lincoln; “Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.” Here are some quick tips that may help:

1. Get expert advice. Your accountant or an experienced financial adviser will be useful here. If budget is a concern there are supports from your Local Enterprise Office, Enterprise Ireland & more.

2. Assess where your business is currently. Weigh up the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Many businesses are pivoting completely or you may just need to focus on a particular area that’s working right now.

3. Be frank with your bank. When you speak with a bank in black & white terms, more focused on the facts & figures you should find them most receptive.

4 . Fail to plan; plan to fail. Write it down in a budget with a clear, concise plan of action detailing realistic forecasts & projections. If there are many variables in your forecasting consider presenting a best-case & worst-case scenario.

5. Hard talk. Be ready for your conversation with the bank & for difficult questions. Have your answers prepared.

6. Consider alternative options. If you have tried your best with the bank but they’re not on board there are alternative business finance options that may work.

The view is to engage with your accountant, advisers or government agencies & prepare. If the bank declines you don’t give up. Ireland has many alternative business finance options. We can assist with fast finance quotes & we’re here for you 7 days. Email or call 01 55 636 55.

Business Loans for Reopening Retail Businesses in Ireland

There are a number of loan options on the market for businesses that are reopening after lockdowns. You can potentially get loan quotes from pillar banks or alternative business lenders under the Credit Guarantee Scheme for working capital, stock or other needs. But what if your business accounts and bank statements are now imperfect after all these lockdowns and you don’t qualify? The good news is there are business finance options if you’re currently transacting on your card machine.


  • Fast decision based on your volume of sales by card

  • Easy application process

  • Flexible repayments that work with your cash flow


  • Your business is transacting from €4000 a month by card

  • You have at least 6 months merchant statement history

  • Your business passes the credit check

If you’re in retail or any shop, hairdresser, barber, hardware store or takeaway restaurant talk to us about organising a finance quote today. Even if the bank has said no and you don’t feel confident, we can often assist. So long as you’re currently trading, the partner credit team are understanding & can even top up your facility as your cash flow improves. We’re here for you 7 days on 01 55 636 55 or email us on